Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Life Is Good

Things have been going pretty good lately. I still haven't been hired on permanently (what an oxymoron since it only means I'm not a temp, but doesn't really mean I have a permanent job), but anyway, that doesn't matter so much. I should find out within a month or two whether I will be. Either my boss will get approval and then I'll get hired, or he won't and I'll be let go (which just means I'll be in the market for more temp jobs). If this happens, I'll just keep in touch with the Documentation manager and possibly get some temp work from him until he has something more permanent in his department. I think it will work out either way. But overall, things are good. I hope it stays this way.

I have been so busy, though. I've been trying to do better at keeping up with housework and so if I'm not doing other things, I'm cleaning. On top of that I spend about 10 or more hours a week working on Leading Edge stuff. Also exercising, eating, sleeping, and watching a little TV here and there. I've hardly had time to think. Even work has been very busy with lots to do (which hasn't always been the case).

Monday, January 23, 2006

Leading Edge Magazine

As some of you know, I work at Leading Edge magazine. I'd like to put a plug in for it because if you like science fiction and fantasy, it's a great magazine. Our last issue featured stories by Orson Scott Card, Dave Wolverton (Farland), and LE Modesitt Jr, as well as Brandon Sanderson, a new author who has a novel published by Tor entitled Elantris, as well as a wonderful short story after the style and feel of HP Lovecraft entitled "Empire of the Dead" by Chris Kugler. I'd like to encourage all of you to take a look at our Web site at There are excerpts for each of the stories as well as a sampling of the art. Check it out!

Friday, January 20, 2006

Protein Shakes

I got into having protein shakes for dinner lately. It's really great because I don't have to plan something for dinner, it fills me up so I'm not hungry, and it's only 220 calories. The protein in the milk I mix it with combined with the powdered mix is 36 grams, so I'm finally get close to the daily recommended amount of calories. It's whey protein, so it's totally healthy. And it's fast and easy, so when I'm in a hurry, I still get something to fill my stomach. Yea!

Monday, January 2, 2006

We're All Moved

Well, we got ourselves moved last weekend. I'm excited to be in the new apartment, but it's stressful to move and now we're living in a disaster! Everything is everywhere with hardly any organization. I've worked on putting stuff away and feel I haven't even made a dent in it and it stresses me out to have everything be such a mess. Sure I'm not the cleanest person, but I definitely don't like things to be so messy and disorganized. I know it's going to take a week or more to do it all (since I still have to work afterall), but I can't wait till everything is organized and put away! It'll be so nice.

We're definitely enjoying having a bigger place and having space! I put some stuff in the crawl space under the stairs and didn't even make a dent in the space that's available. We haven't even put stuff out in the storage shed yet. It's so great. I just hope we don't fill it up. I don't want to have to move even more stuff than I moved this time. It was enough. This is the first time we've had a real move. Last time we moved, the only furniture we had was a mattress, boxspring, and frame plus two small bookcases and a small computer desk. This time we had that plus dining table with 5 chairs, couch, a big computer desk, two dressers, nightstand, and a really tall bookcase. Plus, of course, all the other things we've accumulated in the last two years. But that's okay, we've moved and I'm happy :).