Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Alex is the cutest (and I'm not biased at all)

Well, I haven't updated my blog in quite awhile, have I. Alex has been keeping me quite busy, and then add working full time on top of that, and well, it doesn't leave me much time to write. Well, hopefully you agree (from the userpic) that Alex is quite adorable and for the most part he has been really fun. He's a really good baby, especially if I'm paying attention to his cues.

He's not much of a crier--mostly just when he's hungry. And he sleeps well, waking up typically once a night around 4 or 5 a.m. (though one morning he slept till 7:30 and this morning he slept till 6:45. Nice!). As you can also see by the picture, he's started smiling (a few weeks back). I'm still waiting for his first laugh, though. He's now 11 1/2 weeks, 24 inches long, and 11 pounds--getting so big! Surprisingly he still fits in the 0-3 month clothes (I've heard most babies are out of them by about 1 1/2 to 2 months, and my nephews never really fit into them. They were 10 lb when they were born. The one who was born three months before Alex is in 9-12 month size and has been since 5 months old).

I'm lucky I get to work from home. It's been a real blessing to get to see Alex during the day (though, of course, I would prefer not to work at all and just to stay home and be a mom). I really enjoy it for the most part (though it is nice when I have a break. Though after an hour away from Alex, I start to miss him a lot. And sometimes in the morning if he sleeps in, I get tempted to go wake him up, so I can hold him).

Anyway, I thought I would list some things I've gotten for Alex that have really helped:

Pampers diapers: I really think these are the best diapers. He would blow out his Huggies newborn diapers, but not his Pampers. His Kirkland Signature ones (Costco brand) have been okay (he blows them out sometimes, but not every time like the Huggies), but I have a few Pampers size 1 diapers, and I like them better (but 250 diapers for $30. Who can beat that). In terms of cost, though, you have to think of cost of laundering, so it can be cheaper to get a diaper that is a little more expensive. I love the little net on the Pampers that pulls the poop away so it's not right on the baby's skin, though.

Kiddopotamus SwaddleMe blankets. Swaddling is awesome for newborns, but it's hard to swaddle tight enough that they don't get out and then get upset because their arms are flailing about and they hit themselves in the face. These blankets make it so easy to swaddle and for the most part, my kid stays in them. I tried one by The First Years and it wasn't nearly as good. Plus they have a hole for the car seat, so you don't have to take them out to put them in the car seat, which is nice. I wish I had found them sooner (I didn't see them till Alex was 2 months).

KSL Classifieds (http://www.ksl.com/?nid=13) awesome resource in addition to Craig's LIst (http://provo.craigslist.org/) to find used clothes and other baby items. I've gotten clothes for the next three years for about $100. Most of the clothes I got for only $0.50 each, and they're in good condition (some brand new). It's a great place to look for yard sales too, so you're not just driving around looking for them, and you'll know they have baby clothes or kids clothes before going because they'll list what items they have.

One brand I haven't liked is Gerber. I have not been impressed with their clothes at all. After a few washes, they start to feel rough, and when I've seen used Gerber clothes used, they've always been, how can I put it, gross. I really like Carter clothes, though. They're good for the most part.

Well, I can't think of anything else at the moment, but if I do, I'll post about it.

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